Yee En + Zen's Wedding Day 10Dec2016
Location: Country Height Main Photographer: Nicholson Leong Second Photographer : Justin Assist: Steven Videographer : KO + Issa Morning...

Wei Fei + Christine Wedding Day 02102016
Location:Kajang Photographer:Nicholson Leong & Justin MUA:Elaine Leong

Alvin Hum + Puiyee Wedding Day 10Sep2016
Location:Setapak Chief Photographer: Nicholson Leong Make Up artist: Chien Makeup art studio

Bob + Carine Wedding Dinner
Venue:Pavillion Grand Palace Chief Photographer:Nicholson Leong Make up Artist:MyMake-up by Ivy Neoh 新娘化妆&发型 Glad to met this lovely...

David Heap + Careen Ng Wedding Day(Garden Wedding)
Location:Palace of the Golden Horse Chief Photographer:Nicholson Leong Assist by:Justin Make up Artist:Sanyu Chen Peyru Thanks for having...

Kent + Kimmie Wedding Day
Location:Damansara Damai Chief Photographer:Nicholson Leong

Location:Setapak Dinner Venue: Pavillion Grand Palace Chief Photographer: Nicholson Leong Assisted by: Justin Make Up Artist: Tongtong...